The Oxford Union voted last night that Islam is compatible with democracy. But before debating world politics, the packed chamber was treated to nearly...
Mohsin Zaidi, an award-winning author, commentator, and lawyer, has received recognition from the 2021 Polari Book Awards for his work entitled A Dutiful Boy. Zaidi’s memoir recounts his struggles growing up gay in a devout Muslim family, attempting to navigate the weight of his identities in young adulthood.
"Ultimately the Hagia Sophia remains today what it always has been over the course of its 1,500-year history: a unique political tool and lightning rod for controversy."
Simon Schama, Mary Beard, and David Olusoga; the terrible trio chosen to update the BBC relic Civilisations have fallen foul of all the usual potholes. Tasked with modernisation they haven't quite pulled it off.