Hair today, gone tomorrow

It surprises me that the length of a woman’s hair can affect how she is treated by others, whether she is treated as a girl or a woman.

Not driving home for Christmas

I realised ... I was forging my own traditions in this city day-by-day

A novel experience: managing the pressures of productivity in a pandemic

My pandemic summer was spent staring at a computer, but these were a startlingly productive and educational few months and, as with most exciting things in my unexciting life, it starts with a blank page.

Not particularly fusced: reflections on a first term

Surely having that moment to celebrate and realise that “yes, I made it to f*cking Oxford during a worldwide crisis” seems quite affirming and in line with the Government’s message of being able to have a ‘proper University experience™’, whatever that means.


like landmines or arms holding someone they love

The Kitchen as a Political Space

Men tend to ‘enter into’ the kitchen whereas women are understood to be already there.

Ode to a Waitress

‘I’d rather be doing anything, anything than this shit’, falls out between hysterical bouts of sobs – my Mum didn’t sign up for this....

Editors’ picks – Life and Culture in the Time of Covid-19

Our CultCher and Life section editors have pooled their wide-ranging knowledge and have produced their picks for shows, albums, movies, books and lifestyle ideas...

I’m Still Standing: Why Final Year is the Best

At the end of Trinity last year, I honestly thought that second year was as good as it got. I had a good second...

The Unscheduled Life of a History Student

I round the corner. The door is in sight. I make awkward eye contact with the person coming the other way down the path...

Finding friends: what’s the hurry?

We talk about the rat race: the fiercely competitive struggle for success, the unrelenting battle we rage against our peers to come out on top. But...


Home is a feeling of control and safety, a sense of contentment and quiet, peaceful joy.

Life at an Oxford PPH – communal or claustrophobic?

‘Yeah but it’s not a real college.’ Sound familiar? For us PPH dwellers it definitely does. Whether it’s a snobbish remark or, as is...

‘New year, new me’: why it’s time to ditch new year’s resolutions

Only 8% of us actually stick to our New Year's resolutions

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