A Cherwell investigation has found that at least ten Oxford colleges were still not paying the real Living Wage of £9.30 per hour to all of their permanent employees and casual workers as of 16th December 2020.
Merton College announced last Tuesday that they have pledged support for Oxford Homeless Movement Charter, becoming the latest Oxford organisation to join the cause.
Oxford was recently classed the least affordable city in the UK, with average weekly rental prices at £121.15, much higher than the national average of £87.68.
The petition reflects Oxford City Council’s recent commitment to pay its employees an ‘Oxford Living Wage’, which stands at 95% of the London living wage.
The petition reflects Oxford City Council’s recent commitment to pay its employees an ‘Oxford Living Wage’, which stands at 95% of the London living wage
The table, compiled by the Oxford University Living Wage Campaign, ranks each college by a range of factors, including base pay rate, job security, and bonuses