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Independent since 1920

Tag: oxford

Oxford City Council responds to concerns raised over Oxford street lighting

CW: Sexual assault, death  It Happens Here, an Oxford Student Union group tackling sexual violence, recently released a statement arguing that “street lighting in Oxford...

Hanging in the (im)balance: the state-private school disparity in Oxford

"It is now time for private school students, committed to building a better future for all young people, to use their privilege and voice to pressure these institutions." Fionn McFadden investigates potential solutions to Oxford's state-private school disparity.

Oxford societies respond to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill

"The president of OULD, Asher Weisz, said that 'the bill will massively constrain the ability of all people to protest by giving the Government sweeping new powers to take action if one person is ‘annoyed’ by a protest.;”

Wolvercote residents campaign against St. John’s College Oxford North development

"Wolvercote residents led an hour-long socially-distanced protest outside St. John’s College on Friday to show their displeasure with the college’s plans to redevelop the green-belt land which it holds in North Oxford."

Meet the Balliol student running for Oxfordshire County Council

"Sasha Mills speaks to Michael O’Connor, a student at Balliol studying for a master's in philosophy, who is running in this year’s County Council Elections for the University Parks Ward and is also a member of the last standing Oxford team in this year's University Challenge."

“There Is No Pandemic”: A First-Hand Insight into Oxford’s Anti-Lockdown Protest

"He agreed to talk to us, but only after insisting that we remove our face masks (“unless you’re undercover police”)."

Oxford sport versus lockdown

"Oxford’s athletes will be eagerly awaiting their return to the green grass of Iffley Sports Ground and the drink-spilled dancefloors of Park End. But for the time being, they must fight on from home."

Michael(mas): Everyone’s Toxic Ex

Are my 10 lectures, 6 hours of labs and 24 hours of imposter syndrome worth it for a fancy gown that’s only going to make those friends think ‘god they’re a prick’?

Oxford student street style

Whether it be the edgy hoodie or the Keith Haring top or the khaki chinos, there is always a spark of "fashpiration" to glean from any Oxford student strutting down Broad Street.

Covid-19 hospital admissions in Oxford have increased steeply in the last month

“Our hospitals are fuller than they were in March and April last year. We are doing all that we can to care for our patients with COVID but, if people do not stick to the national lockdown rules, we are likely to see cases rise even more and the pressure on our hospitals and our staff will increase further.”

Extinction Rebellion parade a white elephant through the city to protest HS2

"Members of the environmental group Extinction Rebellion dressed up as a white elephant and walked through the city centre in protest of HS2. "


"I waltzed in her arms down the high street"

Doom and zoom: student work life in 2020

Like so many other current second year students, my Trinity term in 2020 was characterised by long, repetitive hours spent at a desk I...

100 years of Women at Oxford

As a feminist and a student privileged enough to attend the University of Oxford, I am conscious of problems that myself and many women around me face. But I must also channel my privilege into trying to help the women who are suffering the most.

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