Thursday, February 13, 2025

Tag: societies

Intoxtigation 2024: Merton drinks least, Christ Church most, and two thirds tipsy around tutors

In an Oxford first, the Cherwell Features team gathered data from 1,250 students on all things drinking.

The gaps in Oxford’s political societies

The alignments of our nation are changing, and the failure of student politics at Oxford to keep up is nothing less than a dereliction...

A whistle-stop tour of Oxford’s women’s societies

What can all these women’s societies be fighting for? To find out, I spoke to eight of their presidents. 

Why you should be political

Many of us have been told that the only political thing we must always do, and the most important thing we can do, is...

The patience of ordinary things

By the time this column reaches print, the term will be coming to a close. And what better time to consider the term retrospectively, than at the approach of its ending?

Tiddlywinks, Quidditch, and Psychedelic Drugs: Inside Oxford’s Strangest Student Societies

It’s Monday night. My friends have invited me to go clubbing, my essay is overdue, and I can’t remember the last time I got...

Societies and Activities

It’s always worth joining at least one society during your time at Oxford. Whether that may be sports, music, drama, politics, student journalism, or...

Societies condemn Oriel’s decision to not remove Cecil Rhodes statue

"“We are disappointed to hear that Oriel’s Governing Body will not be removing the Rhodes statue due to the regulatory and financial challenges involved in the process. Dismantling systemic racism in Oxford is one of the greatest challenges this university community has faced, but we believe this is no excuse for inaction… Cecil Rhodes is a symbol of colonialism, white supremacy, and racism, all of which have no place in Oriel College, nor any other part of this University.” "

Marquee set up in University Parks

"The marquee has capacity for 30 students, in line with government guidance. It will be open-sided and accessible, with toilets nearby. Student event organisers may bring their own food and drink or pay to have it provided by the University catering company."

Oxford societies respond to Chauvin trial outcome

"While Oxford American Society is glad that the jury returned a guilty verdict on all counts, we understand that this verdict cannot bring back the life that was lost nor does it provide justice for any of the other individuals that have fallen victim to police brutality.”

“Oxford is wilfully complicit in a system which destroys lives”: societies respond to OCJC report

'Common Ground, a student led organisation bringing attention of the University’s colonial past, said: “Climate justice is racial justice, and the university cannot claim to be a ‘climate leader’ or ‘anti-racist’ whilst still having such extensive ties to the fossil fuel industry”.'

PPE: Where are all the women?

Fewer women than men named Greg are speaking at Oxford PPE Society events this term. Their termcard, released a couple of weeks ago, included thirteen...

Hi, I’m an Oxford student and I have chronic indecision

Everyone in Oxford seems to be an overachiever, skipping from committee to niche sports team with apparent ease. How can we deal with the...

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