Univ places second-year accommodation in lockdown

University College have told all students at their accommodation site in North Oxford to stay within their households, from this afternoon. This includes almost...

A bygone age: restaurant reviews

I revel in the hyperbolic criticisms of journalists whose only job is to become eloquently irate about slightly sub-par food.

Opinion – Oxford Finalists Deserve a Proper ‘Safety Net’

On Wednesday 25th March I released an Open Letter to the University advocating for a ‘guaranteed minimum’ grade to be implemented to protect students particularly...

University releases Trinity examination arrangements

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Martin Williams, has today released information on Trinity Term examinations. The changes are as follows: All first-year exams, with the exception of medicine and...

#IsolationCreations: How the Ashmolean is encouraging creativity in isolation

Prompted by an object from the collection, anyone may share a creative response

quarantine hands

Fingers like pharaoh’s doomed to crumble

Oxford Hub and City Council set up coronavirus volunteering scheme

A campaign established by Oxford City Council and the Oxford Hub, "Oxford Together" has seen over 4000 volunteers sign up to help with the...

Oxford medical students join NHS to combat coronavirus

Students will assist in both an administrative and patient-facing capacity

A Nation Under Siege

Darius Parvizi-Wayne spent three weeks in lockdown at the end of his five month stay in Italy. Here he recalls the empty streets with a mixture of verse and visuals.

Oxford student sets up volunteer tutoring service

A student at the University of Oxford has founded the “Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative”, a service which pairs university students with school students in need...

Oxford student founds Coronavirus help group

An Oxford University student has set up a global initiative to provide food and supplies to those that are self-isolating due to Covid-19.  Frederik Filz...

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