War, Peace and Writing

Throughout history, art has left an indelible cultural impact on humanity’s collective understanding of war. Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ is perhaps the most famous manifestation of...

Where does war according to Russia’s West leave its East?

“It’s not for nothing that they call Pevek the city of romantics and daisies”, local resident Irina Shuvalova tells the camera. Taking part in...

Academe in wartime: Oxford’s response to the war in Sudan

Six months into the war in Sudan, and the situation is bleak. Humanitarian workers are despairing at the broken supply lines and the outbreaks...

Russian ambassador says Ukrainian students “may return to their country”

Speaking at the Oxford Russian Club, the Russian Ambassador to the UK, Andrey Kelin, downplayed the brutality of Russian military action in Ukraine and said that refugees in Oxford who have fled the violence may return home if they want to, but will likely be conscripted.

Maxim Biller and Ukraine: The resignation of a German-Jewish author?

I am well aware that for the sake of switching off from university, or from the cruel news about Ukraine, it is better to...

Former MI6 Chief speaks on Ukraine crisis at Oxford Union

Tonight, the Oxford Union welcomed Sir Robert John Sawers, former chief of MI6. Having served as an intelligence officer, diplomat, and civil servant, Sir John was Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service from November 2009 to November 2014.

Large protest in Oxford as Russia invades Ukraine

As the news broke that Russian forces are invading Ukraine, students, academics and members of the Ukrainian community in Oxford gathered on the Radcliffe square to protest the war and show solidarity with Ukraine.

Syria: What is the international community’s long term plan?

“The only solution to assuage the refugee crisis and bestow hope and justice to Syrians is a long-term political peace settlement in Syria, where people are once more able to regain the ability to live.”

The Minefield of Coronavirus Metaphors

“This is the frontline in a war,” begins BBC medical correspondent Fergus Walsh’s special report on coronavirus, filmed in University College Hospital, London. He...

The War Against Coronavirus: Life After the Pandemic

Ben O'Brien discusses the language of war in the fight against COVID-19 and asks what a 'post-corona' Britain will look like.

Review: Caging Skies and Jojo Rabbit

When depicting the world and ideology of Nazi-Germany, the theme of childhood or the child-like figure is quite a well-used one. Key examples include...

Acting Directly: Zoe Lafferty

Zoe Lafferty, according to the Daily Mail, is “absolutely one-sided” and “leaves no doubt where her sympathies lie.” The first part may be a...

Culture Under Attack

The Imperial War Museum. Think cannons, guns and fighter aircraft. Think Teenage Kicks being blasted out at full volume? Culture Under Attack brings together unlikely connections between art and conflict.

Wadham commits to full divestment from coal and tar sands

The decision is a major victory for student campaigners, who have been pressuring colleges and the University to withdraw financial support for the fossil fuel, tobacco and arms industries.

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