Fewer women than men named Greg are speaking at Oxford PPE Society events this term.
Their termcard, released a couple of weeks ago, included thirteen...
The University of Oxford is to
create a new Chair of Women’s
History, named after former
US Secretary of State and 2016
Democratic Presidential Nominee
Hillary Clinton.
The University plans...
The 2020 Oxford International
Women’s Festival is set to take place
from Saturday 29th of February until
Sunday 14th of March, 50 years after
the inaugural Women’s Liberation
Across several Oxford colleges, portrait exhibitions centred on the achievements of female and ethnic minority alumni and academics have been held this month.
Portraits of...
The narrative of resistance and domination in relationships has been the recourse of storytellers since pre-Christian times, with the same lurid, visceral quality evident in Greek myth as in the modern trend of disturbingly violent porn. Yet these primal, animalistic tropes of female subjugation now exist in a ‘civilised’ society, whose vernacular is one of #TimesUp, sex positivity and high-street feminism.